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Fishbowl Company Setup

Create the Data Source

Each workstation using StarShip and Fishbowl must have the OBDC connection set up individually. Database connections can be added directly through the Windows Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

  1. Download and install the MySQL 32-bit ODBC driver (mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.28-win32) and dependencies (VC_redist.x86) from https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/.
  2. Follow steps 1 – 8 under ODBC Setup in the Fishbowl documentation to set up an ODBC connection to your Fishbowl database.

Add the Fishbowl Company

This procedure will help you to set up your Fishbowl company in StarShip.

  1. From the Setup menu, select Source Interfaces > Fishbowl 2020-2021.
  2. Click the New Company button.
    Add a company for Fishbowl
  3. If you have more than one StarShip Connector, select the one you want to use to connect to Fishbowl. If you have a limited number of licenses or limited parallel connections, you may want to check the “Share company connection between multiple users” setting. It allows users to share one company connection instead of occupying one source interface seat for each user. You can also set the number of connections to be shared.
    Select a StarShip Connector
  4. Next, define the connection properties.
    Define the connection properties to the Fishbowl database.
  5. Next, enter the company information.
    Define the company connection properties.
    Server Port

    To find the Server Port number (generally 28192), go to the Fishbowl Server interface and select Tools > Options > Server and check the Server Port field:Fishbowl Server Options

  6. Restart the Fishbowl Client.
  7. Finally, confirm that the company information is correct and click Finish.
    Confirm the company information is correct and click Finish.

Application Approval

The last step is to approve StarShip in the Fishbowl Client. This will only need to be done once.

  1. In the Fishbowl Client, select the Setup group and click Settings.
    In Fishbowl Client, select Setup > Settings
  2. On the Integrated Apps tab, select “StarShip Integration” and click the Approve button. Make sure that the Status is “Accepted”.

You may need to restart the Fishbowl Client.