User Profiles

The Profile menu item under the username displays the user details and rights for the currently logged-in user. StarShip uses Roles to define and limit access to functionality, and these Roles are assigned to the Users you create.

StarShip Web Users

User Details

User details can be managed by an Administrator in the StarShip Server Manager in Tools > Users. The Profile displays the Role(s) assigned to the User and other personal information.

User Rights

You can specify rights for a user in the Server Manager from Tools > Users > User Roles.


For more information about Roles, see Tools > Roles.

In the Profile, click the + to view the rights under each heading,


StarShip Online Users

User Details

Users details can be managed by an Administrator in the Subscription Management System under Users & Roles. The Profile displays the Role(s) assigned to the User and other personal information.

User Rights

In the Profile, you can click Edit to edit that user’s details and rights in the SMS.