Add the SAP Company

To ship your SAP documents, you will need to connect your SAP company to StarShip by providing database connection and account information. Follow the steps below to add your company and configure the company connection in StarShip.


  1. Log in to StarShip and select Setup > Source Interfaces > SAP B1 (version).
  2. In Companies, select the New Company button.
  3. Enter the SAP system database connection information. The dialog will vary depending upon the SAP server type. StarShip supports SAP B1 HANA, MS SQL, or SL.
  • Server Type: For SAP B1 HANA and MS SQL, select the server type from the drop-down list. You would either select SAP HANA or your MS SQL version.
  • Server Name: Enter the location of the database. For HANA connections, the location is the IP Address and Port #.
  • Select an authentication mode:
    • Trusted connection: This is the same as using Windows Authentication. The credentials of the Windows user running StarShip will be used as authentication.
    • User ID/Password authentication: Enter your system database Login ID and Password.
SAP SL (Service Layer)
  • Server Name: Enter the address and port number of the Service Layer.
    For on-premise installations where StarShip Server Manager and Service Layer location are on the same network, machine name or internal IP address and port number should be entered, eg. SERVER:30015 or 10.0.01:30015.

    For StarShip Online users or users where StarShip Server Manager and Service Layer location are on different networks, the public URL or external IP address and port number of the Service Layer location should be entered, ie. or

  • Database Name: Type in the HANA database name.
  • User ID/Password: Enter your HANA User ID and Password.
  1. For “Share Company connection between multiple users”: If you have a limited number of licenses or limited parallel connections, you may want to check this setting. It allows users to share one company connection instead of occupying one source interface seat for each user. You can also set the number of connections to be shared.
  2. Next, enter the company information. If you have more than one company, you can select the one to use from the Company drop-down. Then, enter your company login credentials.
  3. Click the Test button to validate the information you entered, and then click OK to add the company. From the Companies section, you can also set the Default Interface and Default Freight Rules for the company.
Allow additional write-back to the following eCommerce company
To write shipment information back to an eCommerce company when you process a shipment, select the previously set up eCommerce company from the list.