Sage 300 Settings

The Write-Back feature allows you to write shipment information back to Sage 300. StarShip supports freight, notes, and custom field write-back to Sales Orders and Shipments. You can set up how and when write-back occurs, and control what is written back as well.

You can access these settings by selecting Setup > Source Interfaces > Sage 300 (your version) and clicking Interfaces. Then, click the Customize Interface button for Sales Orders or Shipments.


When a shipment is processed or voided in StarShip

Define how freight should be written back to Sage 300.

  • Always write back freight to the Sales Order/Shipment: When you save or void a shipment in StarShip, the freight amount is written back to the Sales Order or Shipment.
  • Prompt the shipper to write back freight to the Sales Order/Shipment: When you save a shipment in StarShip, the shipper receives a prompt asking if freight should be written back to the source document.
  • Do not write back freight to the Sales Order/Shipment: Freight is not written back or updated.
Enter the miscellaneous charge code used during freight write-back

StarShip uses the Miscellaneous Charge Code to write the freight back to Sage 300 Sales Orders and/or Shipments. Type in the Miscellaneous Charge Code that you set up in Sage 300.

More Information

For more information about where to set up this code in Sage 300, see Miscellaneous Charge Code Setup.

Do not create shipment when shipping Sales Orders document

With StarShip, you have the option to create the Shipment in Sage 300 when you process a Sales Order.

If you choose to create the Shipment by leaving this check box unchecked, a Shipment entry will be created by StarShip in Sage 300, and the freight and notes are written back to the Shipment, as well as the updated quantities that were shipped for the items.

When this option is checked, the freight, notes, and comments are written directly back to the Sales Order. No Shipment is created, so the shipped quantity of the items is not updated on write-back.


When StarShip creates the Shipment, and the StarShip shipment is voided, the shipped quantities will be set back to unshipped. So the Qty. Shipped will revert to 0 and the Qty. On Order will remain.



The Notes Settings contain default shipment detail that writes back to the Comments field. You can customize the StarShip fields that are written back to Sage 300 for both Freight and Parcel shipments. The Note Tag is the printed title; the information from the StarShip field on the right will appear next to the Tag words in the Sage 300 Comments field. You can change the fields that write back by changing the Note Field, or You can change the fields that write back by changing the Note Field, or click the Add Note Settings button (+) to add more fields.

Notes will write back to the Sales Order if StarShip is set up to not create the Shipment on write-back.

Freight Notes

Check the check box that says “Write the information below to the [Sage 300 document] when a Freight shipment is processed in StarShip” to enable Notes write-back for Freight shipments.

These are the default fields for freight shipments.

Parcel Notes

Check the check box that says “Write the information below to the [Sage 300 document] when a Parcel shipment is processed in StarShip” to enable Notes write-back for Parcel shipments.

These are the default fields for Parcel shipments.