Macola Settings allow you to configure the write-back of shipment information to Orders. StarShip supports writing freight and tracking information (notes) directly to Orders, or to the Manifest Interface (when enabled). In this section, you’ll set up how and when write-back occurs, and control the info that is written back.
You can access these settings by selecting Setup > Source Interfaces > Macola ES or Macola 10 and clicking Interfaces. Then, click the Customize Interface button for the document you want to customize.
On the next page, click the Settings heading.
When a shipment is processed or voided in StarShip
- Always write freight to the Order: When you save or void a shipment in StarShip, the freight amount is automatically written back to the Freight field on the Order.
When writing the freight directly to the order, StarShip does not calculate freight tax. StarShip also does not allow freight write-back if the order status is:- Z – Posted
- I – Incomplete
- X – Invoiced
- N – Not OK
Additionally, if the freight account fields on the order are blank, StarShip populates the three freight fields with the freight account values associated with the Ship Via code.
Final note: Freight on O type orders is only modifiable when selected from OE & RMA > Billing/Picking/Shipping > Billing > Select Orders.
- Prompt shipper to write freight to the Order: When you save a shipment in StarShip, the shipper receives a prompt asking if freight should be written back to the document. (Note: This is a legacy feature from the Desktop Client and is not supported in the Web UI.)
- Do not write freight back to the Order: Freight is not written back to the Order in Macola ES/10.
Update Ship Date during write-back
When checked, StarShip will update the Ship Date on the Header tab of the Enter Orders screen.
Manifest Interface
This section will display different options depending upon whether you are writing freight back directly to the Order (by selecting “Always write freight back to the Order” above) or not writing the freight back to the Order (by selecting “Do not write freight back to the Order” above). You can enable the Manifest Interface by checking ‘Manifest’ in System tab > System settings (under Company) > Enterprise Setup.
When not adding freight
This setting determines what gets written back to the manifest table when you selected “Do not write-back freight to the Orders” in the Write-Back section. Even though freight is not being written back, the second and third choices, Add entries and set freight to zero and Add entries and use existing order freight, allow you to still use the Manifest Select function in Macola and maintain shipment history in the manifest table.
- Do not add entries to the manifest table: When you’re not writing back the freight to the Order, StarShip will not update the manifest table.
- Add entries and set freight to zero: When processing a shipment, StarShip will add an entry to the manifest table and set the amount to 0.
- Add entries and use existing Order freight: When processing a shipment, StarShip will add an entry to the manifest table and set the freight to the amount that was already assigned as the freight value on the original Order.
If order is selected at the time of shipping, write manifest entries with the status of
Because shipments are only marked as posted during the selection process, you must define how to handle shipments against orders that are already selected.
- Posted: The order will not be reselected. The Order Status will be set to Posted when you ship against it in StarShip.
- Open: The order will be reselected to get the freight. The Order Status will be set to Open when you ship against it in StarShip.
Order Comments
StarShip can write tracking Information back to the Order – to either the Order Header Comments or Line Comments. You can access the comments in Macola from the Order Entry View window. To access the Order Header Comments from the Order Entry View or Order Entry History View screen, click on the Order Header button and then the Order Comments button. To access the Line Item Comments, select the first line item and click the Line Comments button.
Tracking History in Comments
Decide how to maintain tracking history in the Order Comments; you can overwrite the previous day’s shipments or append to them. If you ship against the same order more than once on the same day, all shipments from that day are included in the Order Comments regardless of this setting. Overwrite/Append applies to shipping against the same order on different days. For example, if an item from a shipment is backordered, you ship against the order a second time. In this case, you may want to select Overwrite if you are printing this information on the invoice and you only want current information to print.
Attach Tracking Information Comments To
The Order Header Comments print on any document that has the “Comment” field in its layout. Order Header Comments usually print above the first line item. Use this option if you want the comments to print on all documents.
To control the document type on which comments print, you can configure StarShip to write them as Line Item Comments by selecting the second option, 1st Line Item Comments for document type. StarShip attaches the comments to the first line item and prints them below the first line item on the document type you select from the drop-down list.
Notes Settings
Write the shipment notes in StarShip 9.x compatibility format
This setting deals with write-back by location (if shipping with multiple locations). It is checked by default. In version 9.x the location field was optional. The current version of StarShip automatically retrieves the location when writing notes back to Macola. Therefore, if you do not want to use the location, you would check this check box and StarShip will disregard location info.
You can additionally customize the StarShip fields that are written back to the Order for both Freight and Parcel shipments. Notes are written back to the Line or Order Comments, depending upon your setup in the Order Comments section above.
Write the information below to the Orders when a Freight/Parcel shipment is processed in StarShip
These are the default shipment fields that write back to Macola for Freight shipments:
These are the default shipment fields that write back to Macola for Parcel shipments:
Modify or Add Fields
You can change the field that writes back by selecting a different field from the Note Field, or clicking the Add Note Setting button to add more fields. The Note Tag is the printed title; the information from the StarShip field on the right will appear next to the Tag words in the Comments.