eNotify Configuration

This setup allows you to configure the sending domain and set up email processing options. If using your own domain to send emails, you will need to add DNS records for your domain.

Enable eNotify

In order to use eNotify, the “Enable eNotify” check box must be enabled.

Domain Configuration

To use your own domain for sending eNotify emails, check the “I want to use my own sending domain” check box. Then follow the directions in Using Your Own Domain with eNotify.


Click the Send Test Email button to test that the sending email is working correctly. Enter an email address where the test email should be sent.

Enter the email address to send the test email to.

If the email is successfully sent, you will see a confirmation.

Confirmation of successful email.


Default Send Schedule

Specify the default send schedule, which determines when notification emails are sent. Send schedules can be set application wide as the default, or on an individual template basis in the Template Properties.

  • Immediately: The email is sent as soon as the shipment is processed, updated, or voided.
  • Delay: The email is delayed for a set period of time. Set the delay by configuring the 00:00 field.
  • Time of Day: All emails are sent in a batch at the time of day specified here. The time is based on the email server’s time.
  • Manual: Emails are sent when the user chooses to send them from the eNotify Emails section of the Dashboard.
Send emails without recipient address

When this setting is checked, any emails that are missing a recipient will be saved under the Failed folder in the eNotify Emails section of the Dashboard. The Failed Reason column will indicate that a recipient must be specified. You can then correct and forward the emails from the Email Viewer itself.