Dynamics 365 BC Options

In the Options section of MS Dynamics 365 BC setup, you can configure additional settings for related documents, diagnostics, kit items, and more.

Select Setup > Source Interfaces > MS Dynamics 365 BC, and click the Options page heading.

When checked, StarShip will show documents with the same Ship-To addresses, allowing you the possibility of combining related documents. Related documents are shown in the Shipment Editor and can be grouped together by selecting the Group Related check box.

You can also limit the number of related documents to load when shipping by entering a number in the “Maximum number of related documents” field. The default setting is 8.

Related documents settings


When importing a document that has an existing non-posted shipment, always

Choices are:

  • Prompt: Prompt the user for action. The prompt will include the options to Create New, View, or Edit. Note that View is only available for Processed shipments; Draft (Open) shipments will always open in Edit mode.
  • Create New: StarShip will automatically create a new shipment from the data being imported from the source interface without prompting the user.
  • Edit Existing: Set the existing document to “Open” status so that it can be edited.
  • View Existing: Open the existing shipment in View-only mode.
StarShip will search for any draft shipment or shipment processed within the last “#” days

When importing a document (Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, etc.) from Dynamics 365 BC, StarShip will scan all open (draft) shipments, and only the processed shipments within the number of days you set here, for shipments that may already exist for that document. So, for example, if you add an order to a shipment you’ve already saved or processed in StarShip, you can reprocess the shipment with the new order added without voiding write-back or tracking numbers.

Note that you cannot set the number of days if you set the option above it to Create New.

Run in Diagnostic Mode

Check this option to have StarShip run in a special diagnostic mode that shows the raw input from the source interface before any mapping or translations are performed on it.

When enabled, a Show Diagnostics button appears on the source interface tab. Clicking the Show Diagnostics button will display the input information from the source interface in raw message format for Technical Support purposes.

Enable logging of Source Interface transactions

StarShip will run in a special mode that provides more information to aid Technical Support. You can also specify Normal or Maximum levels of logging.

Disable Search of Source Documents

This option controls searching for Dynamics 365 BC documents in the Shipment Editor. When it is checked, StarShip will not display the Search Documents grid and will require that you enter the exact Document Number.

Refresh List of Source Documents after shipping

When this option is checked, StarShip will update the list of Dynamics 365 BC documents in the Documents grid after you process a shipment. New documents are retrieved and shipments no longer matching the filters will not be seen.

More options

Additional Options

Explode Kit items when loading documents into StarShip

Check this option if you want to explode the components of a Kit into line items in StarShip when you import a Dynamics 365 BC document containing a Kit. This enables you to pack the components of the kit items in the Shipment Editor. 

Explode kit items setting