Create the V-TECH Endpoints

The following steps create the V-Tech Endpoints needed to integrate Acumatica with
StarShip Web. Before starting, make sure you have the StarShip Web Client installed on the machine where you are performing this process. The StarShip installer will provide the ZIP file needed in Step 3 of this procedure.

Attention: Users creating Endpoints for the first time should follow the procedure
on this page. If you already use StarShip with Acumatica, you will just need to unpublish/republish your existing Endpoints. See the Unpublish the V-Tech Endpoints procedure for more information.

See the Supported Versions page to check what version of the V-Tech Endpoints you should be using.

Upload and Publish the Endpoints

  1. Log in to your Acumatica Company. Select System > Customization > Manage > Customization Projects.
  2. Select Import > Import New Project.
  3. On the Open Package dialog, click in the File Path field and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\V-Technologies\StarShip\Client\Acumatica. Select the ZIP file based on your Acumatica version (see below) and click Open, then Upload. Note: As mentioned in the overview, in order for this folder containing the ZIP file to exist, the StarShip Web Client installer has to be run first.Select the “V6” interface if using the latest REST API integration aka
    Acumatica 2022 R2 – 2023 R1.
  4. You will see the “VTechEndPoint” Project version in the list. Check the check box for the VTechEndPoint and any other customizations that you want to use along with the VTechEndPoint. If you have the V-Tech Custom Fields Customization, you should select that here.
  5. Click Publish.
  6. In the Compilation window, click Publish.
  7. After you see the message “Website has been updated”, you can click the “X” in the title bar to exit. The endpoints are published to the Customization Projects screen.

Configure the Endpoints

  1. Select System > Integration > Configure >  Web Service Endpoints.
  2. In the Endpoint Name field, select the magnifying glass to search.
  3. Select the VTECHAPI by double-clicking on it.
  4. In the Endpoint Version field, click the magnifying glass and select the Endpoint
    Version for your Acumatica version by double-clicking it.
  5. The VTECHAPI Endpoint Properties are displayed.

Copy the Acumatica Contract Service URL

  1. Click the View Endpoint Service menu item and select WSDL for SOAP. For REST integration, click Assist Edit button and select OpenAPI 2.0 under the Service Definition.

  2. A new tab launches. Copy the entire Contract API Link from the URL field at the top of the browser window. This is the URL that you will enter into the StarShip Add Company dialog (or Edit Company if you are upgrading).

After copying the Acumatica Contract Service URL, you can continue to StarShip Setup.

Multiple Companies Setup

Acumatica users that would like to use multiple companies in StarShip should import and publish the V-TECH Endpoint into one company. Once the publishing is done, you can then import the Endpoint into your additional companies. It is not necessary to publish the Endpoint for each company. Once you import the published Endpoint into your other companies, the Endpoint will appear as published.