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  5. Acumatica Sales Order Write-Back

Acumatica Sales Order Write-Back

After you Ship/Process a shipment, StarShip writes the following information back to Acumatica.

Shipment Date

Shipment Date on the shipment is updated with the date the shipment was processed.

Shipment Settings

This write-back occurs on the Shipment Settings tab of the shipment.

  • The Freight amount is written back to the Freight Amt. field. The default setting is to always update the shipment with the freight amount; Freight write-back is controlled Write-Back Settings.
  • Ship Via is updated with the Ship Via Code (from the value translation).

Custom Fields

Order Header Fields

The following Order Header Fields can be updated with values from StarShip shipment fields.

On the Shipment Settings tab

  • If mapped, Ship Via is updated with the Ship Via Code (from the value translation).
  • Freight Cost

Package information is written back to the Packages tab of the shipment. StarShip’s default settings will write back using Custom Write-Back settings, where you can provide matching Acumatica values to translate from StarShip values.

  • Box ID
  • UOM

These fields are not mapped by default but can be mapped to provide additional write-back.

  • Description: Can be mapped to the StarShip field “Package Content Description” to write the description back to Acumatica.
  • Custom Ref Nbr. 1
  • Custom Ref Nbr. 2
  • Confirmed


The shipment information defined in Notes Settings will write back to the Notes item on the shipment (Distribution > Sales Orders > Shipments > Notes). By default, these fields write back the following information :

  • The Ship Date is updated with the date the shipment was processed.
  • Total Weight is updated with the total shipment weight.
  • Tracking # is updated with the Master Tracking Number of the shipment.

If the Ship To address on the shipment differs from the Ship To address on an order, the Ship To address saved in StarShip is the one that will be written to the invoice. The original sales order Ship To address remains unchanged.

StarShip allows you to create a shipment against a Sales Order that already has an open invoice against it only if the first invoice was created by StarShip or Shipping Data Entry. A second invoice cannot be created if the first invoice was entered within Invoice Data Entry. You would then receive the error message: “Currently being invoiced” when selecting the Sales Order.