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  5. Sage 100 Company Setup

Sage 100 Company Setup

StarShip allows you to import and ship with more than one set of company information. For each company, you can assign a specific interface that includes your customized field mapping and value translations.

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This procedure shows you how to add your Sage company (or companies) to StarShip.

  1. In StarShip, select Setup > Source Interfaces > Sage 100 (your version).
  2. On the Companies page, click the New Company button.
  3. Select the StarShip Connector instance, which is the component of StarShip that controls the connection to your Sage interface.
    For “Share Company connection between multiple users”: If you have a limited number of licenses or limited parallel connections, you may want to check this setting. It allows users to share one company connection instead of occupying one source interface seat for each user. You can also set the number of connections to be shared.
  4. In the Company field, select the company. Enter your User Name and Password.
  5. Confirm the company information is correct and click Finish.

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