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Volusion Shipping Methods

StarShip can store a list of possible values for Volusion Shipping Methods, which you can set up to translate to values for the Carrier-Service field in StarShip. This allows your Shipping Method to be imported with the Order. You can also set up values for the International Carrier-Service field.

StarShip does not automatically retrieve the Shipping Methods from Volusion so you will need to add them if you want StarShip to translate your Volusion Shipping Method values into StarShip Carrier-Service values.


If you don’t set up Value Translations for your Shipping Methods, StarShip will attempt to use default keywords to translate the imported Shipping Methods.

Volusion Shipping Options

In Volusion, the shipping methods are set up from Dashboard > 4: Set up payments and shipping > Set up your shipping options.

Where to set up your Volusion shipping options.

StarShip Carrier-Service Setup

  1. In StarShip, select Setup > Source Interfaces > eCommerce and click the Interfaces heading.
  2. Click the Customize Interface button for the Volusion Order interface.
    Open the Volusion Order interface in StarShip.
  3. Under Select Mappings, navigate to Shipment > Carrier Information and expand the Carrier-Service field.
  4. You’ll see the mapping for Carrier-Service is set to the eCommerce field “Shipping Method”. In Value Translations, click the Add Value Translation button.
  5. In the ‘Shipping Method’ Value field, type in the names of the Shipping Options from Volusion and then select the carrier and service from the Translates to ‘Carrier-Service’ Value for each method. Click the Add Value Translation button to continue adding and translating Shipping Methods.
    Type in the shipping methods and translate them to StarShip Carrier-Service values.
  6. When you have added all the Shipping Methods, click the Save All Maps button.