Update Your Existing Installation

We often release new versions of StarShip that include new or improved functionality. You’ll be given access to new versions so you can run the installers and upgrade your version of StarShip.

You should run the installers in this order:

  1. starshipserver.exe
  2. starshipweb.exe
  3. starshipclient.exe

The dialogs are very similar to the first-time installation dialogs with a few exceptions.

StarShip Server Update

After accepting the License Agreement, and clicking Next on the Welcome screen, the installation will begin. Review the Proxy Settings Requirements and click Continue.

An informational message pops up to let you know that you’ll need to run the other installers to update StarShip Web and the StarShip Desktop Client (if using it).

Warning to update the Clients

StarShip will ask you if you want to upgrade your existing installation or install over it. Select “Update existing installation” to install the most current files and update the StarShip database. (If you want to “Install over existing installation”, follow the instructions for the StarShip Server Installation. The dialogs will be the same as a first-time installation.)

Update existing installation

After confirming your registration information, decide whether you want to back up the files that StarShip replaces during the installation. If you select Yes, specify the folder where you want the backed up files to be copied.

Back up replaced files?

When upgrading from a version earlier than StarShip v21.2, you are given the option to migrate your eNotify data from SQL CE’s smaller database to the larger SQL Server database where your StarShip database is located. If your company sends a large number of emails using eNotify, you should select to migrate to SQL Server.

Choose whether you want to migrate eNotify to SQL Server

You’re now ready to update StarShip. Click Next on the “Start Updating” dialog and when the installation is complete, click Finish. You’ll be returned to the StarShip Server Installation Components screen where you can exit the installation. StarShip may notify you that a reboot is required.

Exit the installation

StarShip Web Update

After accepting the License Agreement, and clicking Next on the Welcome screen, and you’ll see the familiar dialog asking you if you want to update the existing installation or install over the existing installation. Select to “Update existing installation”. (If you are installing over your existing installation, see StarShip Web Installation for more details. The dialogs will be the same as a first-time installation.)

Update over your existing StarShip Web installation

Now you can click Next to begin the installation. When the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the installation.

StarShip Client Update

Finally, update the StarShip Desktop Client and StarShip Connector. Even if you’re not using the StarShip Desktop Client, you should run the clientsetup.exe in order to update the Connector application.

Similar to the previous installations, accept the License Agreement, and click Next on the Welcome screen to begin.

StarShip will ask you if you want to upgrade your existing installation or install over it. Select “Update existing installation” to install the most current files and update the StarShip database. (If you want to “Install over existing installation”, follow the instructions for the StarShip Client Installation. The dialogs will be the same as a first-time installation.)

Select to Update Existing Installation

Next, decide whether you want to back up the files that StarShip replaces during the installation. If you select Yes, specify the folder where you want the backed up files to be copied.

Backup Replaced Files?

Next, enter the computer name or IP address of the computer where StarShip Server is installed and running. “Local” indicates that the server is running on the local machine; in this case, you do not need to enter the computer name or IP address.

Enter the location of the StarShip Server

Select the primary printing location from the drop-down list. This selection can be modified later in the Connector application, which is accessible from the StarShip Client program folder on the Windows Start menu.

Configure StarShip Connector printing settings

Select where you want to install the StarShip Client Dashboard shortcut. This dialog will only display if you also selected to install the StarShip Desktop Client.

Select where to install the StarShip Dashboard

After making this last selection, the installation will continue. When it is complete, click Finish.