StarShip Setup for StarShip Online

To ship your WooCommerce Orders, you have to connect your WooCommerce store to StarShip. You can add one or multiple accounts to ship against in StarShip. However, the same Consumer Secret and Key can only be used once per StarShip Location.

Connect the Store

  1. In StarShip, go to Setup > Source Interfaces > eCommerce.
  2. Under Companies, click the New Company button. If you want to add the WooCommerce interface to an existing company, select the company and click the Edit Company button.
  3. Enter the name of your company in the Company Name field and click the Add Account button.
  4. From the eCommerce Name field, select “WooCommerce” from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the WooCommerce API URL.This is the URL of your WooCommerce site.
  6. Click the Generate API Keys button.
  7. Log into your WooCommerce company when prompted.
  8. Back in StarShip, the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are automatically populated.
  9. Check the Enable button and click Submit. If you add the WooCommerce interface but don’t enable it, you will not be able to select and ship your WooCommerce Orders.