This section sets general Southeastern settings and applies to all accounts. These settings can be accessed from Setup > Carrier Interfaces > Southeastern Freight Lines > Main.
Disable use of Southeastern Freight Lines Interface
Check this option to disable the Southeastern Freight Lines carrier engine. Southeastern is still available for rating or shipping if selected as a carrier for Enterprise TMS or Freightquote.
Enable background tracking
Background tracking collects shipment data so that you can look up delivery information for past shipments and generate late deliveries reports from the StarShip Dashboard.
Background tracking must be generally enabled for StarShip in the StarShip Server under Tools > Options > Background Tracking. It can then be enabled/disabled for each individual carrier in carrier setup.
Supported Carriers
This section will only show Southeastern Freight Lines as a supported carrier. Entries cannot be added or deleted.
Supported Billing Types
This section displays the supported Billing Types available for Southeastern.
Supported Options
This section shows you the package/shipment options supported by Southeastern.