QuickBooks Online Field Mapping

StarShip allows you to customize the way data is translated between QuickBooks Online source documents (Customers, Invoices, Sales Receipts) and the StarShip shipment. You can define the information that will populate the shipment fields, and how the data is interpreted into accepted shipment values. This set of field maps and value translations is saved as an “Interface.”

StarShip comes with a predefined interface called “My Interface” that installs default field mappings for QuickBooks Online documents, which you can customize. You can also create multiple interfaces for use with different companies if you plan to map to fields (such as user-definable fields or Ship Vias) that vary between companies.

An Interface can be customized as follows:

  • Map any StarShip shipment field to a fixed value or to an available QuickBooks Online field.
  • Map User Definable fields to the StarShip shipment. User Definable fields from the Order, Line Item, Packaging, and Shipment are supported.
  • Map Custom fields you created in QuickBooks Online to StarShip shipment fields.
  • Customize Value Translations for field mappings such as ”Ship Via” (in QuickBooks Online) to “Carrier” (in StarShip).
  • Set up freight and notes Write-Back to QuickBooks Online.


Open Customize Interface

To customize an interface, select Setup > Source Interfaces > QuickBooks Online. Click the Interfaces tab and then select the Customize Interface button for the QuickBooks Online document you want to customize.


Field Mapping

Many fields are mapped by default. For a complete list of mappable QuickBooks Online fields for the current document type, change the view to QuickBooks Online [Document].


This will display all the available QuickBooks Online fields and the StarShip fields they are mapped to.


You can also see if the field has a value list and the actual values, as well as any other mappings for a field. In this example, the Carrier-Service/Ship Via field mapping is shown with defined value translations and other field maps.