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Mailgun.org Setup for Microsoft Exchange

When you’re using your own domain with mailgun.org to send eNotify emails, StarShip will generate a number of DNS records to enter in the domain’s DNS settings during setup, including an SPF record for mailgun.org. However, if you already have an existing SPF record for Outlook/Office 365, Microsoft Exchange will report an error when you try to add the mailgun.org SPF record. Microsoft Exchange is not compatible with having more than one SPF record in your domain’s DNS settings.


Microsoft Exchange DNS server will report an error when adding the mailgun.org SPF record if another SPF record for Outlook/Office 365 already exists.

If you want to use your own domain to have mailgun send eNotify emails, follow these instructions to add mailgun.org to the existing Outlook/Office 365 SPF record line.

Modify the existing record to include mailgun.org by adding: include:mailgun.org to the v=spf1 line.

For example, if you use “v=spf1 include:spf.protection.outlook.com –all” to prevent spoofing, this entry would now be:

“v=spf1 include:spf.protection.outlook.com include:mailgun.org –all”