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  5. Package Contents/Non-Stock Kits Overview

Package Contents/Non-Stock Kits Overview

The Package Contents functionality is available for Acumatica 2019 R1 and higher, using the V-TECH Endpoints VTechEndPointV5_R1 or higher. It includes support for:

  1. Importing Package Contents for Acumatica Shipments.
  2. Importing Exploded or Non-Exploded Non-Stock Kits for Acumatica Sales Orders and Shipments.


Depending on your StarShip platform, follow the instructions for how to upload, publish, and configure the V-TECH Endpoints for StarShip Web or StarShip Online.

You must also make sure you have Boxes set up in Acumatica and that Box IDs are set up in StarShip. The Box ID in Acumatica must match the Box ID value set up in StarShip.

More Information

For more information see Boxes Setup and Box ID.

Package Contents

When implemented, StarShip will recognize package contents from Acumatica when Shipments are imported into the Shipment Editor. You can either pack items on the Shipment in Acumatica or import items and pack them in StarShip. StarShip writes back package and tracking information to Acumatica when you Ship/Process a Shipment.

More Information

For more information and example scenarios, see Package Contents Usage.

Exploded/Non-Exploded Kits

StarShip can handle both Exploded and Non-Exploded Non-Stock Kits when importing Sales Orders or Shipments. Kits will be exploded if you select that option in StarShip setup. StarShip will write back the packages and Kit items, and update the tracking information in Acumatica.

More Information

For more information, see Exploded/Non-Exploded Non-Stock Kits Usage.