Acumatica Stock Item Fields

StarShip now supports importing two additional fields for Stock Items.

Country of Origin

The Country of Origin field is located in Acumatica on the General Settings tab for the selected Stock Item.

The Country of Origin field is located on the General Settings tab for the Stock Item.

This field is not mapped to StarShip by default so if you want to import this field value, you must map it. To do this, go to Setup > Acumatica (version) > Interfaces, and select Customize Interface for the document(s) you want to modify.

To map this field, go to Setup > Acumatica > Interface and select Customize Interface for a document.

Map the StarShip Country of Manufacture field to the Acumatica [Line Item] Country of Origin Field and click the “+” to add value translations.

Map the Country of Origin field to StarShip.


Tariff Code

The Tariff Code field is located in Acumatica on the Packaging tab for the selected Stock Item.

The Tariff Code is located on the Packaging tab of the selected Stock Item.

This field is not mapped to StarShip by default so if you want to import the field value, you will need to map it. To do this, To do this, go to Setup > Acumatica (version) > Interfaces, and select Customize Interface for the document(s) you want to modify.

To map this field, go to Setup > Acumatica > Interface and select Customize Interface for a document.

Map the StarShip Schedule B Code field to the Acumatica [Line Item] Tariff Code field.

Map Schedule B Code to Tariff Code.