QuickBooks Online Custom Fields

StarShip gives you access to the three (3) Custom fields in QuickBooks Online that are associated with Invoices and Sales Receipts.

You can map your Custom fields to any StarShip fields to import data into StarShip. One option is to map these fields to User-Definable fields, which are fields that are set aside for you to customize and populate as you like in StarShip. User-Definable fields can be used in the shipment and in eNotify templates, or viewed in the Dashboard. See To Import Data for more information.

Alternately, StarShip can also write information from the shipment back to QuickBooks Custom fields when you process a shipment. See To Write Back Data for more info.


Due to limitations in QuickBooks Online, only the TOP THREE Custom fields are accessible by StarShip for mapping and automation. If you have already created Custom fields and the top three fields that were created are not the ones you want to use with StarShip, you will need to recreate your Custom fields so that the ones you want to use are the top three. Note that when creating Custom fields in QuickBooks Online, the first created custom field moves to the last position in the Custom Fields list.

Set Up QuickBooks Custom Fields

  1. Navigate to the gear icon at the top of your QuickBooks Online Dashboard, and select Account and Settings (or Company Settings).
  2. Select the Sales menu item on the left.
  3. Under Sales form content, turn Custom Fields “On”.
  4. Enter names for the Custom fields and select to display them as Internal (only displayed in QuickBooks) and/or Public (displayed in QuickBooks and displayed/printed on sales forms).
  5. Click Save.


How To Use Custom Fields

There are two ways to utilize the QuickBooks Custom fields with StarShip; either to import data into StarShip or to write back shipment data from StarShip to QuickBooks. You would not use the same Custom field for both importing and writing back, so select an appropriate method for each Custom field.

To Import Data

You can import your Custom field data into any StarShip field, but we recommend using the StarShip User Definable fields for custom data. We’ll show you how to customize and map the User Definable fields that will be populated with the Custom field data.

User Definable fields occur at different levels, such as Order, Item, and Shipment. It is most common to use the Shipment level fields for custom data. You can find more information about the different types of User Definable fields here.

1. Customize the User Definable field

In this step, we’ll be changing some details about the User Definable field to match our Custom field from QuickBooks.

In Setup > User Definable Fields, select the field you want to use and click the Edit button to define the field properties. In this example, we are using Shipment Field 1 – 3.

You’ll want to change the Field Name and Field Type to match your QuickBooks Custom fields. For more information about these fields, see Set Up User Definable Fields.

Save your work, and repeat for your other Custom fields if necessary. This example shows that we have named and configured Shipment Field 1 – 3 for QuickBooks Custom fields.

2. Map the QuickBooks Custom field

Map the QuickBooks Custom field(s) to the User Definable field(s) you just set up.

  1. Select Setup > Source Interfaces > QuickBooks Online and select Interfaces.
  2. Click the Customize Interface button for the document (Invoices, Sales Receipts).
  3. Navigate to the renamed StarShip User Definable field; Shipment User Definable fields are found under Shipment > General Information.Change the Map from to QuickBooks Online Field, which allows you to select the Custom field from QuickBooks. Map all the fields and then click the Save All button to save the mappings.

When you import a QuickBooks Sales Receipt or Invoice, you will see the Custom fields, populated with the data from QuickBooks. Because we used “shipment level” User Definable fields to map to the Custom fields from QuickBooks, the fields display in the Shipment Details section of the Shipment Editor.

To Write Back Data

Alternately, you can use your QuickBooks Custom fields to store shipment data that is written back from StarShip after you process a shipment. You would use this method if you want to enter data in StarShip and write this data back to the Custom fields in QuickBooks.

StarShip features one location in Setup where you can set up write-back to any of your Custom fields. For more information, see Custom Write-Back Setup.

  1. Select Setup > Source Interfaces > QuickBooks Online and select Interfaces.
  2. Click the Customize Interface button for the document (Invoices, Sales Receipts).
  3. Click the Custom Write-Back Setup heading and map the Custom field to a StarShip field or fixed value. The fields will display as Custom Field #1 – Custom Field #3.
  4. Select Save All Maps to save the field mappings.