Rate Quote Write-Back

Write-back from Rate Quote is based on how you set up your Custom Write-Back fields for the Freight Cost, Ship Via and Ship-To Address fields. You can set up these fields to write back to the Sales Order when you rate a shipment or for both rating and shipping a shipment.

After clicking Apply on the Rate Quote screen, refresh the Sales Order to see the following updates to the Sales Order:


The Ship Via field will be updated with the Carrier/Service.

Freight Cost

The Freight Cost will be written back to the Freight Cost field on the Totals tab of the Sales Order.


In order for Freight Cost to be written back to the Sales Order, the Ship Via Calculation Method in Acumatica must be set to “Manual”. See Ship Via for more information.

Ship-To Address

When the address is changed in StarShip Rate Quote, the Override flag is enabled and the address from StarShip is written back to the Shipping Settings tab > Ship-To Address on the Sales Order.

More Information

For more information about configuring write-back to Sales Orders, see StarShip Setup.